Video: Mall cop pulls gun on driver who knocked over traffic cone

Valley Fair Security Guard Sued After Pulling Gun On Driver

Valley Fair Security Guard Sued After Pulling Gun On Driver Watch this video on YouTube. CBS News's Betty Yu reports that San Jose's Westfield Valley Fair mall is being sued…

CBS News's Betty Yu reports that San Jose's Westfield Valley Fair mall is being sued after one of its guards, Francis Lancaster-Abraham Fielding, pulled a gun on a driver who knocked over a traffic cone.

"[The victim's] attorney tried to reason with the guard and tell him to drop the gun, but it didn't work. He called the behavior of both guards who threatened his client outrageous."

After waving his gun around like a cartoon gangster, the mall ninja's supervisor approaches. Named in the lawsuit as Robert Genereux, he tells the driver to get out of his car, and threatens him when he refuses: "unlock this door or I'm going to take out your window."

Cops turned up and determined that the gun-toting guard not only lacked a firearm permit, but also a necessary license to be a security guard in the first place.

The Mercury News has more:

Police recommended that Fielding be charged with unlawful brandishing of a firearm, but the Santa Clara County District Attorney declined to file charges in the case, citing insufficient evidence.
