Anti-Trump and pro-Hillary pins won't save the world

But they can't hurt! Pins Won't Save The World was just launched to let designers create pins for this year's crazy election. While most designs are anti-Trump, some are pro-Hillary…

But they can't hurt! Pins Won't Save The World was just launched to let designers create pins for this year's crazy election. While most designs are anti-Trump, some are pro-Hillary or generally pro-America messages of progressivism.


Recent polls show Trump closing in on Hillary, and thats pretty fucking scary. Lets not stand by and let a racist, misogynistic, homophobic man control America. Lets stand up against hate and intolerance. Register now to vote on Rock The Vote, and convince all your liberal friends too. We want everyone to be able to wear their heart (and politics) on their sleeves; so merchandise is priced low and the project is not for profit. Profits will be donated to #AmericaIBelieveIn through Amnesty International.



Pins Won't Save The World