Petition: make the FBI explain why they didn't bring criminal charges against bank execs

Last month, Senator Elizabeth Warren published an open letter to FBI director James Comey observing that, in revealing details of its investigation into the Clinton email scandal, the Bureau had…

Last month, Senator Elizabeth Warren published an open letter to FBI director James Comey observing that, in revealing details of its investigation into the Clinton email scandal, the Bureau had seemingly abandoned its longstanding policy of not sharing its deliberations, meaning that there was no longer any reason to keep secret its reasoning for not bringing criminal charges against the bankers who did trillions of dollars' worth of damage to the world economy, sparking wars, starvation, and personal ruin for millions of people.

The Credo Action petition demands that the FBI do just that, and quickly, before the statute of limitations runs out.

If FBI Director Comey is willing to spend hours publicly detailing the ins and outs of an investigation, surely we should start with the failure to prosecute the bankers who crashed the economy, cost countless Americans their jobs and homes, and stole millions of dollars out of Americans’ pockets.

Stand with Sen. Warren: Tell the FBI Director and Justice Department to explain the failure to prosecute bankers.

The 10-year statute of limitations on many of these crimes runs out in 2017. We are running out of time to demand accountability. Bringing people to trial would not guarantee a guilty verdict or jail time. It would not bring back the jobs and homes lost. But prosecutions would send a clear message to Wall Street and help prevent the next financial crash. As Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Chair Phil Angelides put it: “If you can steal $1,000 and settle for $20 would you do it again? Probably.”5

Stand with Sen. Warren: Tell the FBI to explain failure to prosecute bankers
[Credo Action]

(via Naked Capitalism)

(Image: Elizabeth Warren Nov 2 2012, Tim Pierce, CC-BY-SA)