2600 Magazine offers $10K for Trump's tax return

2600: The Hacker Quarterly — a venerable and storied source of hacker mischief and wonder — has publicly offered a bounty of $10,000 (payable in "dollars, bitcoin… or rubles") for…

2600: The Hacker Quarterly — a venerable and storied source of hacker mischief and wonder — has publicly offered a bounty of $10,000 (payable in "dollars, bitcoin… or rubles") for the first look at Donald Trump's tax return.

They're soliciting donations from people who'd like to increase the bounty. They guarantee anonymity for leakers, and suggest using GPG to transmit the data to them. The magazine says they were motivated to offer the bounty by Donald Trump's fat-shaming remarks about 400 pound hackers in their bedrooms.

It’s unclear whether the offer is entirely sincere, or whether someone will try to claim the bounty. But maybe hacking isn’t even required.

“Incidentally, we will also pay [Donald Trump] $10K if he gives us his tax return first. Or anyone in his campaign or family. Fair is fair,” 2600 added.

Hacker Zine Says It Will Pay $10,000 For Trump's Tax Returns
[Joseph Cox/Motherboard]

(Image: Tax Return – 1040, 401(K) 2012, CC-BY-SA)