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Hydrofoil surfing on open ocean swells

Worlds Longest Waves: Open Ocean Foil Surfing

Since hydrofoil surfing was introduced, Kai Lenny has been experimenting with boards and techniques to the point that he can go out in the open ocean and glide across swells for miles without having to compete for waves.

Kai says:

Harnessing the power of the open ocean swells, the hydrofoil allows you to levitate above the surface of the water and ride the worlds longest waves. Surf spots are getting more and more crowded so why not have the option to escape it all. In this video I am riding a 5’6″ shortboard on the North Shore of Maui using only using my arms and swell energy to soar for miles upon miles.

FYI song is “Hollywood Underwater” by Charlotte-based group Flagship.

Worlds Longest Waves: Open Ocean Foil Surfing (YouTube / Kai Lenny)

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