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I like Formula 420 for cleaning my 'glassware'

Now that so many wonderful strains and variants of marijuana are available legally, it is a crying shame to smoke dope out of a dirty pipe. Formula 420 really works and it smells great.

Long ago, in the before times when smoking marijuana was less socially acceptable than it is today, a dirty pipe was normal. Growing up, my friends and I didn’t particularly need to taste the weed smuggled over the border and sold on Hoover Street in downtown LA. So we didn’t bother cleaning our pipes! They just got lost or broken anyhow. Now that you are buying weed in places with leather clad menus, and nice mahogany bars, it seems more appropriate to try and experience some of the sommelier-style descriptions you hear from dispensary bud-tenders. The $100+ beautiful hand-made pipes you are smoking from also deserve some respect. Still doesn’t make the sticky, nasty mess any easier to clean. What does is Formula 420.

Sure, you can keep on using rubbing alcohol and kosher salt if you want. The Internet claims these are the main ingredients in Formula 420, I do not care. Formula 420 smells, and works a whole lot better! A whole lot. Simply rinsing the pipe in hot water, and then filling it with the cleaner and shaking the pipe gets almost everything out. About 3 minutes total time invested with hot water, Formula 420, some pipe cleaners, and a paper towel gets me a sparkling clean pipe.

Using Formula 420 leaves my kitchen with no scent at all, the sweet bubble gum-ish scent of Formula 420 is gone in moments. Cleaning with other solvents left my sink gross. At $15 for 3 bottles, I’m hooked.

Formula 420 Glass Metal Ceramic Pipe Cleaner 12 Oz. 3 Pack via Amazon

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