Big Trouble in Little China continues, in comic book form, with John Carpenter still at the helm

See sample pages from this book at Wink. Big Trouble in Little China Vol. 1 by John Carpenter (author), Eric Powell (author) and Brian Churilla (illustrator) BOOM! Studios 2015, 128…

See sample pages from this book at Wink.

Big Trouble in Little China Vol. 1

by John Carpenter (author), Eric Powell (author) and Brian Churilla (illustrator)

BOOM! Studios

2015, 128 pages, 8.6 x 10.2 x 0.4 inches (softcover)

$11 Buy a copy on Amazon

(Do I really need to give a spoiler alert for a movie that came out in 1986?)

“Have you paid your dues Jack? Yessir, the check is in the mail.” After shaking the pillars of heaven and defeating Lo Pan, Jack Burton drove off into the night with a monster sneaking up on him from the back of his truck. That’s sadly where this incredible movie ended. It joined the ranks of other cult '80s movies bold enough to tease a sequel that would never come to be. Thankfully much like Lo Pan was in the film, this story isn’t quite dead yet.

The comic picks up right where the movie ended with Jack driving his semi, the Pork-Chop Express, in the rain monologuing into his CB. From there it spirals into ninja punching, demon spewing, and Jack Burton awesomeness. What makes me especially happy is that this is a true extension of the story, as the film's director John Carpenter is back, working with the Goon’s Eric Powell, with Brian Churilla doing the artwork. It’s an awesome creative team up. Comic Jack is a caricature of his Kurt Russell counterpart, which seems oddly fitting and adds to the zaniness of the world.

Fans of the movie will definitely be into this comic. If you’re not a fan, I guess you can go enjoy eating some celery or something, while the rest of us hear tales of ancient mysticism and armed monkeys. The story dips back into the cheesiness that made the movie so enjoyable, while still bringing some new character development to the table. While not spoiling it, Vol. 1 does leave you wanting more, but thankfully you won’t have to wait 30 more years for the next installment. Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 are out, and more are on the way.

– JP LeRoux