Watch trucks drive massive wind turbine blades up a mountain

C&C trucks carrying wind turbine blades to the mountaintop

C&C trucks carrying wind turbine blades to the mountaintop Watch this video on YouTube. In what feels as tense as Wages of Fear in places, teams of drivers transport wind…

In what feels as tense as Wages of Fear in places, teams of drivers transport wind turbine blades up a steep switchback mountain road.

According to Wind Power Monthly:

The route to the government-sponsored Baoding Mountain Wind Farm is 5.5 km long, and includes 212 turns and slopes as steep as 30 degrees. The journey with each blade took five hours, and the drivers had to negotiate the load through villages with buildings on either side of the road, and high voltage power lines. The blades are 52.4 metres long, and weigh over 12 tons.

C&C trucks carrying wind turbine blades to the mountaintop (via Wind Power Monthly)