New Hillary Clinton campaign spot highlights Trump's KKK ties

“There's a reason the most hateful fringe of the right wing is supporting Donald Trump,” the campaign for Hillary Clinton said as they introduced this new attack spot. There's a…

“There's a reason the most hateful fringe of the right wing is supporting Donald Trump,” the campaign for Hillary Clinton said as they introduced this new attack spot.

The video pulls no punches against Breitbart's Steve Bannon. Trump has long refused to distance himself from Ku Klux Klan members and leaders like David Duke, and has embraced widely reviled “alt right” racists who are now leading his campaign operation.

We've been on the Trump/Klan beat for more than a year around here, and the New York Times has been on it since 1927. There's family history there, y'all.

According to a New York Times article published in June 1927, a man with the name and address of Donald Trump's father was arraigned after Klan members attacked cops in Queens, N.Y.

Trump confirmed, then denied, then confirmed, then denied, then confirmed sort of, then called Boing Boing “one little website.”