The Apple iCloud account of comedian and actor Leslie Jones was recently hacked, with nude photographs posted concurrently with racist threat messages. The incident is being investigated by federal agents with the Department of Homeland Security, according to reports.
“ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York does currently have an open investigation,” the Department of Homeland Security told reporters on Thursday. “As a matter of agency policy, we are unable to disclose any information related to an active investigation.”
TMZ separately reported that FBI is “developing a strategy for tracking down” whoever hacked her account, but subsequent reports say that DHS, not FBI, is handling.
“Sources familiar with the situation tell us, the FBI is developing a strategy for tracking down the person or people who hacked into her iCloud and cell phone and posted nude photos and personal information on her website,” TMZ wrote.
“It’s unclear whether agents from the West Coast or East Coast will launch the investigation,” because Jones lives part time on each coast.
TMZ says there's no police report on file yet with NYPD or LAPD.
Coordinated attacks on Jones by racist trolls have been going on for months, and led to Twitter banning ringleader Milo Yiannopolous. The self-described “dangerous faggot” is an out gay man who supports Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
Milo gloated over the latest attack from his Snapchat hideyhole, and made jokes about being uninvolved.
From the NYT account of the hack:
The hackers inserted a picture of the gorilla Harambe on the site, and exposed what appeared to be explicit photos of the actress, along with pictures of her driver’s license and a passport, and images of her with stars like Rihanna, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West.
Do not give your eyeballs to this racist, hate-filled, misogynoir crime. I #StandWithLeslie
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) August 24, 2016
these acts against leslie jones….are sickening. its racist & sexist. it's disgusting. this is hate crimes. this aint "kids joshing round"
— Questlove Gomez (@questlove) August 24, 2016