Smart About Sharks – Filled with fascinating bite-sized shark facts

See sample pages from this book at Wink. Smart About Sharks by Owen Davey Flying Eye Books 2016, 40 pages, 9.2 x 11.5 x 0.5 inches $17 Buy a copy…

See sample pages from this book at Wink.

Smart About Sharks

by Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books

2016, 40 pages, 9.2 x 11.5 x 0.5 inches

$17 Buy a copy on Amazon

I love children’s books that are as delicious for kids as they are for adults, and Smart About Sharks is exactly that. With a sumptuous textured cloth cover, an appealing gray-tinted palette of earth tones playfully punctuated by pink, and a retro encyclopedic design, Smart is filled with fascinating bite-sized shark facts that were completely new to me. Examples: sharks were here on earth 200-million years before dinosaurs; there’s a shark called a megamouth that has a glow-in-the-dark mouth; some sharks grow only to the size of a pencil.

Smart About Sharks, just released today, is similar to illustrator Owen Davey’s other info-packed animal book, Mad About Monkeys, which came out almost exactly a year ago (363 days to be exact), and which I reviewed here on Wink. Everything from what sharks eat to their social life to their various shapes, sizes, and many different types (over 500 unique species in our oceans today!) is covered in this high-quality picture book. Rumor has it that this is the start of a series with Flying Eye Books. I hope the rumors are true!