My Kansas City World Science Fiction Convention schedule

I'm flying into Kansas City for part of Midamericon II, the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, and while there, I'll be on panels, give a reading, and sit down with…

I'm flying into Kansas City for part of Midamericon II, the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, and while there, I'll be on panels, give a reading, and sit down with fans for a kaffeeklatsch.

Here's my schedule:


Is Cyberpunk Still a Thing?
Thursday 12:00 – 13:00, 3501H (Kansas City Convention Center)
Cyberpunk hit with a big splash, but as personal computers became more prevalent, smaller, and portable, the genre seems to have faded. Or has it? Our panelists take a renewed look at the state of Cyberpunk at the ripe young age of 35.
Ms Pat Cadigan, Cory Doctorow (M), Matt Jacobson, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, James Patrick Kelly, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Other Forms of Intellectual Property
Friday 10:00 – 11:00, 2502B (Kansas City Convention Center)
A look at the purpose of patents, copyrights, and trademarks. What is their historical purpose, how is the need for them changing, and where will they go in the future?
Cory Doctorow, Eric Flint, Allan Dyen-Shapiro (M), Sarah Frost, Lisa Macklem

An Idiot’s Guide Revisited, circa 2000
Friday 13:00 – 14:00, 2208 (Kansas City Convention Center)
It’s circa 2000 and authors Cory Doctorow and Karl Schroeder just published /The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Science Fiction/. Fast-forward 16 years later, and the world of publishing has evolved, but how much has it really changed? Cory and Karl take a look back and discuss what they got right, what they got wrong, and how things have changed over the years.
Karl Schroeder, Cory Doctorow, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Reading: Cory Doctorow
Friday 16:00 – 16:30, 2202 (Readings) (Kansas City Convention Center)

Kaffeeklatsch: Alexander James Adams, Cory Doctorow, Yanni Kuznia, Ada Palmer
Saturday 12:00 – 13:00, 2211 (KKs) (Kansas City Convention Center)
Alexander James Adams, Cory Doctorow, Ada Palmer, Yanni Kuznia

I hope to see you there!

Upcoming Appearances [Cory Doctorow/Craphound]