The NY Times' Lively Morgue

The New York Times' tumblr of photos from its voluminous archive is full of impactful and gorgeous moments. May 23, 1974: A kiss outside City Hall, where gay rights activists…

The New York Times' tumblr of photos from its voluminous archive is full of impactful and gorgeous moments.

May 23, 1974: A kiss outside City Hall, where gay rights activists had gathered to show support for a gay rights bill up for a vote at the City Council. The anti-discrimination measure was defeated, 22 to 19, but the bill’s backers vowed to resubmit the following week, although they would “not press for action until after the November election.” It didn’t pass until 1986.

Photos include "back stories", literally notes on the back of a photo to add context including how the photo was used, how much the photographer was paid, and the published caption, if applicable.

via The Lively Morgue.