"Tellin The World" 1972 voting PSA aimed at 18-25 y/o working-class voters

Amy Sloper writes, "This is a really timely (while still feeling dated) voting PSA about the importance of tellin' the world your opinion by voting." It features an original theme…

Amy Sloper writes, "This is a really timely (while still feeling dated) voting PSA about the importance of tellin' the world your opinion by voting."

It features an original theme song performed by Melissa Manchester with great lyrics, including:

"Sooner or later the world moves in, it gives you a shove or a kick in the shin, asking brother who the hell are you? … If you're going to school, you feel uptight – the place is jammed and the vibes ain't right and you'd like to change it for the kids coming through. …it seems like there's just nothing you can do! … There is a way, to say yes or no, there is a way to let everyone know, there is a way to show them where you stand! I vote you in, I vote you out, my vote man, that's what it's all about!"

This was sponsored by The United Federation of Teachers/AFL-CIO and the Youth Vote Project. It's currently archived at the Wisconsin Center for Film & Theater Research.

Tellin' the World [Harold Mayer Productions/Internet Archive]