Crowdfunding a second anthology of great UK sf magazine Holdfast

Laurel writes, "Holdfast is an award-winning free online speculative fiction magazine that celebrates all things fantastic. We are trying to raise enough money to pay our writers and artists for…

Laurel writes, "Holdfast is an award-winning free online speculative fiction magazine that celebrates all things fantastic. We are trying to raise enough money to pay our writers and artists for their valuable work and also print a beautiful paperback. After a successful campaign for anthology #1 and winning the British Fantasy Society award for best magazine 2015 – we're hoping to create an even bigger and better anthology this time."

£10 gets you an ebook; £15 gets you the ebook and print book (both come with your name on the thank you page).

Holdfast Anthology #2
[Laurel Sills/Indiegogo]