Fox's employee contracts may mean Gretchen Carlson will never get her day in court

Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment suit against her former boss, Roger Ailes, may be dead before its begun, because Fox News makes all its employees sign "binding…

Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment suit against her former boss, Roger Ailes, may be dead before its begun, because Fox News makes all its employees sign "binding arbitration" agreements that force them to use a system of private courts that let corporate America make up its own laws.

On Friday, Ailes’ attorneys filed a motion in federal court insisting that her case be moved to a secretive, privatized arbitration system that is typically far more favorable to employers. Carlson, it claims, signed an agreement with Fox News providing that “any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or Performer’s [Plaintiff’s] employment shall be brought before a mutually selected three-member arbitration panel and held in New York City in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association [“AAA”] then in effect.” Although Carlson listed Ailes and not Fox as the defendant in her suit, the motion also cites cases suggesting that Fox’s employees can benefit from the arbitration agreement Carlson reportedly signed with Fox.

It’s a common tactic by employers, and one that stands a very good chance of prevailing. Prior to Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority was very permissive of businesses that try to force workers and consumers out of court and into arbitration. And, while the current Court lacks the conservative majority it needs to extend many of these decisions, it also lacks a majority that would be inclined to overrule them.

As an Economic Policy Institute report on forced arbitration details, employers benefit tremendously by shifting suits out of court and into privatized arbitration forums. EPI reports that over 36 percent of employment discrimination plaintiffs prevail in federal trial courts (the bulk of federal lawsuits involving the workplace involve allegations of discrimination), and 57 percent of non-civil rights plaintiffs prevail in workplace lawsuits brought in state court. By contrast, fewer than 22 percent of employees prevail in arbitration.

The Dirty Trick Fox News Is Using To Undercut Gretchen Carlson’s Sexual Harassment Suit
[Ian MillHiser/Thinkprogress]

(Thanks, Pterryxx!)