Phishing for Bitcoin with fake 0-days

Arriving in my inbox at a steady clip this morning: a series of phishing emails aimed at Bitcoiners, promising that the sender has found a bug in "the Bitcoin client"…

Arriving in my inbox at a steady clip this morning: a series of phishing emails aimed at Bitcoiners, promising that the sender has found a bug in "the Bitcoin client" and promising "Pay 0.07 BTC today, get 10 BTC for 15 hours."

It's the first phishing email aimed at Bitcoiners that I've seen. My guess is that its timing has something to do with the current, post-Brexit currency market instability, which has seen a spike in btc value, and this has doubtless led a lot of newbies into Bitcoinland, where crypto is magic and anything is possible.

The phishing site (, hosted on a Chinese server, is already down, as is the associated image, which was embedded via a shortened URL. The emails are still trickling in, though. Maybe they're coming from botnets that have received instructions that can't be easily countermanded, or maybe the phisher is too busy trying to get their site back up to bother shutting down the spams (or maybe they've taken their "winnings" and are indifferent to whether their spams reach fertile soil but fail to germinate because they're not there to tend them).

Special offer ONLY until 30 Jun: Pay 0.07 BTC today, get 10 BTC for 15 hours

What we do?

We find bugs in different and new Internet ventures and use them for our own purposes. The last time we are engaged in Bitcoin client. So we found this flaw in the Bitcoin client and we hope that our website will help all of you.

Pay 0.05 – 0.099 BTC today, get 5.00 – 9.90 BTC in 24 hours

Special Offer – Pay 0.1 – 0.49 BTC today, get 10.00 – 49.00 BTC in 20 hours

Special Offer – Pay 0.5 – 0.74 BTC today, get 50.00 – 74.00 BTC in 17 hours

Super Offer – Pay 0.75 -1.00 BTC today, get 75.00 – 100. BTC in 14 hours

Super Offer – Pay 1=< BTC today, get 100=< BTC in 10 hours

Enjoy it while there is time access