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Tennessee congressional candidate appeals to his white supremacist base

Talking Points Memorandum shares this incredible story of an America I don’t believe I live in. Tennessee congressional candidate Rick Tyler is proudly running on a platform of racism.

Via TPM:

An independent candidate running for Tennessee’s 3rd Congressional District seat is under fire for a campaign billboard he posted with the slogan “Make America White Again,” local TV station WRCB reported Wednesday.

Rick Tyler confirmed to the station that he put up the billboard, which also lists the address for his campaign website. Tyler told WRCB that he does not hate people of color, but does believe America “should go back to the 1960s.”

“(The) Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration,” he told the news station.

Tyler also posted a billboard for his campaign that features part of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech superimposed on a drawing of the White House with Confederate flags around it, according to WRCB.

Some residents wrote in to the news station stating their desire to have the signs taken down. Tyler said that he respects their First Amendment rights but thinks many others share his views.

You’d hope these signs lose him more votes than they gain. I cry for Tennessee.

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