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Terrorist who murdered Jo Cox shouts: "Death to traitors" in court

Thomas Mair, the terrorist who murdered a UK member of Parliament last week while shouting “Britain First” (the name of a UK neofascist party), was arraigned yesterday; in the dock, he refused to state his name, shouting “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain” instead.

Since the murder, apologists for Mair have insisted that the two eyewitnesses who heard him shouting racist slogans while he shot and stabbed her should be discounted in favour of another who denied it, and said it was too early to draw a connection between the violent, xenophobic, literally Goebbels-derived materials produced by the Leave campaign and the killing of a pro-diversity politician on the street in her home constituency.

Indeed, the discussion of the Cox killing is proof that Britons could take the title from Americans in any international White Terrorist Bingo competition.

Mair refused to give his correct name and did not answer when asked for his address and date of birth. Deputy Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot said in court that a psychiatric report should be prepared “bearing in mind the name he has just given.”

Accused killer of MP Jo Cox makes defiant court statement
[Gregory Katz and Shawn Pogatchnik/AP]

(Image: Charlie Stross)

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