Recreating a classic Moebius comic with Peanuts characters

Jesse Orion writes, "This is Jean 'Moebius' Giraud's '40 Days in the Desert B' recreated page by page with characters from Charles Schulz' 'Peanuts'!" Orion writes in his introduction, "This…

Jesse Orion writes, "This is Jean 'Moebius' Giraud's '40 Days in the Desert B' recreated page by page with characters from Charles Schulz' 'Peanuts'!"

Orion writes in his introduction, "This book is a satire of a certain animosity between French and American artists who have, here unnamed, considered the opposing country's art, specifically comic art, as objectively terrible. Here, I present you, the reader, with a visual 'handshake' between two of the greatest contributors to comic art in their respective countries."

40 Peanuts in the Desert
[Jesse Orion]