Gun control: no constitutional right to concealed carry

The Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has determined there is no second amendment right to concealed carry. Via Mother Jones: This morning, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued…

The Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has determined there is no second amendment right to concealed carry.

Via Mother Jones:

This morning, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a long-awaited opinion in a case challenging how concealed-weapon permits are issued in California. Writing on behalf of the seven-judge majority, Justice William Fletcher delivered a blow to pro-gun advocates, stating that "there is no Second Amendment right for members of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public."

The case's lead plaintiff, Edward Peruta, had argued that the state's current system for issuing concealed-weapons permits is arbitrary and unconstitutional, since it gives sheriffs and police chiefs broad discretion in determining who has the "moral character" and "good cause" to pack a hidden gun. In his finding that such regulations are constitutional, Fletcher cited the Supreme Court's 2008 Heller decision, which affirmed the right to keep guns for self-defense, but found that "the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited."