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Britain meets its "first 101-year-old court defendant"

The Guardian reports that Ralph Clarke, facing charges of child abuse dating to the 20th century, is believed to be Britain’s oldest court defendant.

Clarke, who was born in March 1915, is alleged to have committed 17 indecent assaults, 12 offences of indecency with a child, and two attempted serious sexual offences between 1974 and 1983. During a 40-minute court appearance, Clarke turned down the offer of a hearing loop, telling the court clerk his hearing aid had a new battery.

None of the articles I found sourced their claim, though. ‘Believed to be’ is reporterese for ‘just guessing.’ Outside the UK, Clarke’s seemingly beat by 102-year-old Massachusetts murder suspect Laura Lundquist, but it’s not clear if she ever appeared in court (she was charged and subject to hearings, but did not have to face trial due to dementia.)

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