School shooting: Two dead in UCLA campus murder-suicide

UPDATE: Swat units going class to class to safely evacuate students at #UCLA following shooting that left 2 dead — Val Gratias (@valeriegratias) June 1, 2016 A college campus…

A college campus shooting at UCLA left two men dead Wednesday morning. The murder-suicide sent thousands of students running for their lives, barricading themselves in classrooms.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck told reporters the shooter was one of the two men killed inside a small room at the school's Engineering complex.

The shooting happened around 10AM Pacific time. Local and federal law enforcement (based a mile or so away at the LA Federal Building) responded in force.

“The campus is now safe,” Beck told reporters just after noon. The LAPD says the UCLA 'campus is now safe' and a lockdown has been lifted. Classes are canceled for the remainder of the day.

From the LA Times:

Authorities did not identify the victims and a motive was not immediately clear. Police confirmed a note was found at the scene but they had not determined where it originated or if it was connected to the shooting.

Helicopter news footage showed students walking in a line with their hands above their heads as armed police officers scoured the campus.

Students hid in buildings across campus after the shooting. Some secured doors with belts or created makeshift barricades in classrooms as word of the incident spread.