John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China, Volume 1

If you are anything like me, at all, you frequently wonder what happened next to Jack Burton and the rest of the Big Trouble in Little China gang? John Carpenter,…

If you are anything like me, at all, you frequently wonder what happened next to Jack Burton and the rest of the Big Trouble in Little China gang? John Carpenter, Eric Powell, and Brian Churilla's Big Trouble in Little China graphic novels tell the tale!


I've just started reading these BTiLC graphic novels, they pick up right where the movie left off. I could not be happier! The humor, the characters and the artwork are exactly what I'd have hoped for, if I had any idea these books were being published!

You can get the first 3 volumes now, volume 4 is available for pre-order, and releases later this year.

Big Trouble in Little China Vol. 1 via Amazon

Big Trouble in Little China Vol. 2 via Amazon

Big Trouble in Little China Vol. 3 via Amazon

Big Trouble In Little China Vol. 4 via Amazon