Kobo "upgrade" deprives readers of hundreds of DRM-locked ebooks

Chris writes, "After a recent Kobo software upgrade, a number of Kobo customers have reported losing e-books from their libraries–notably, e-books that had been transferred to Kobo from their Sony…

Chris writes, "After a recent Kobo software upgrade, a number of Kobo customers have reported losing e-books from their libraries–notably, e-books that had been transferred to Kobo from their Sony Reader libraries when Sony left the consumer e-book business. One customer reported missing 460 e-books, and the only way to get them back in her library would be to search and re-add them one at a time! Customers who downloaded their e-books and illegally broke the DRM don't have this problem, of course."

A Kobo representative actually chimed in on the thread, telling MobileRead users that they were following the thread and trying to fix the glitches that had been caused by the recent software changes and restore customers’ e-books. It’s good that they’re paying attention, and that’s definitely better than my first go-round with Barnes & Noble support over my own missing e-book. Hopefully they’ll get it sorted out soon.

That being said, this drives home yet again the point that publisher-imposed DRM has made and is making continued maintenance of e-book libraries from commercial providers a big old mess. About the only way you can be sure you can retain the e-books you pay for is to outright break the law and crack the DRM in order to be able to back them up against your company going out of business and losing the purchases you paid for.

DRM nightmare: After recent upgrade, Kobo customers report losing Sony books from their libraries
[Chris Meadows/Teleread]

(Images: Pixabay, Wikimedia)