How to Microwave a Microwave

MicrowaveMe Show Experiment #426: Microwave. Rated G. Microwave Me: Microwave Watch this video on YouTube. From the experiment notes on YouTube: For the longest time, people have been asking me…

MicrowaveMe Show Experiment #426: Microwave. Rated G.

Microwave Me: Microwave

From the experiment notes on YouTube:

For the longest time, people have been asking me to microwave a microwave, and so I finally did it. Microwaving a microwave was not an easy task. I've been trying to do it for YEARS but all of the microwaves were just the wrong size, but this huge King Kong microwave turned out to actually be big enough to fit Elsa inside of. This was actually filmed over several days, because the door of the big microwave just kinda fell off (which explains why I got it for so cheap at that auction), and that is why this was stalled for so long, and I had to get my dad's help in getting the microwave's door reattached and working again. And that's why he's in this episode.


This 2015 video was actually not the first time someone insane has tried to do this. Below, MicrowaveMeShow's predecessors.

Is It A Good Idea To Microwave A Microwave?

(From the MicrowaveMe show, thanks, Dean Putney!)