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Taliban condemn Pakistan city's first McDonald's: "we don't even consider it as a food."

The first McDonald’s in Quetta, Pakistan has opened in Millennium Mall, in the militarized Police Lines neighborhood, prompting an official position from the Taliban.

Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told NBC: “Yes, I know McDonald’s and its food but we will never eat it. We don’t even consider it as a food. This isn’t our food … We live in the rough, tough mountainous areas and need energy and power to fight against the enemy.”

An Afghan Taliban fighter called McDonald’s tasteless and “too expensive.”

However, he conceded that McDonald’s was “good when you are in a hurry and have no access to proper food.”

“We know it’s an American food company and our religious scholars have forbidden us from consuming any Western food and beverages,” the militant added, saying that he intended to visit the Quetta outlet with friends but would not eat there.

McDonald’s Opens in Quetta, Pakistan — Taliban Isn’t Lovin’ It
[Wajahat S. Khan and Mushtaq Yusufzai/NBC]

(Image: McDonald’s)

(via Naked Capitalism)

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