Apple campus death: Male employee dead in conference room, reports of a gun involved

An Apple employee was found dead in a conference room at One Infinite Loop in Cupertino on Wednesday morning. Early reports indicate the victim was carrying a gun. The name…

An Apple employee was found dead in a conference room at One Infinite Loop in Cupertino on Wednesday morning. Early reports indicate the victim was carrying a gun. The name of the deceased has not been released at the time of this blog post.

The call to authorities was registered just after 8:30AM California time.

You can listen to the Santa Clara County Sheriff Dispatch recording here.

NBC Bay Area:

Audio from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's dispatch recorded at 8:38 a.m. indicates that a female employee on the Apple campus was escorted out of a building by security Wednesday morning, and had sustained an injury to the head, possibly from a gun. Two minutes later the dispatcher talks about a dead body found in one of the conference rooms, with a gun nearby. How the woman is related to the man's death is not clear.

No suspects are being sought, and no one is in danger, sheriff's officials report. 1 Infinite Loop is open.

"Through further investigation, they determined there was no other individuals involved and they believe it was an isolated incident. There was no one else on campus or in the public at risk," Sgt. Andrea Urena with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department told reporters.

San Jose Mercury News was the first to report this news, around 12:15PM California time:

Sgt. Andrea Urena of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office, which provides police services in Cupertino, described the death of a male employee as an "isolated incident" and that "nobody else on campus or in the public at risk."

Urena said sheriff's deputies were called for a report of "a person down" and found a man dead. She added that no one else is believed to have been involved and no suspects are being sought.

The Santa Clara County Medical-Examiner Coroner's Office has been brought into the case and will determine how the person died, Urena said.

Another early report from Reuters relies on the SJ Merc story.

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