Britain warns LGBT travelers about visiting North Carolina, Mississippi

The Independent writes that the U.K. is warning travelers about new anti-LGBT laws in North Carolina and Mississippi. Dr Felicity Daly, director of the LGBT Kaleidoscope Trust said: “It is…

The Independent writes that the U.K. is warning travelers about new anti-LGBT laws in North Carolina and Mississippi.

Dr Felicity Daly, director of the LGBT Kaleidoscope Trust said: “It is heartening the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is becoming more LGBT responsive in their work, it’s a good sign as it is an important issue in the UK, but most people who identify as LGBT in the UK will already be aware of the nature of certain states.”

Matt Horwood of Stonewall charity said: “What’s happened in Mississippi and North Carolina proves that equality is never secure.

"It’s positive to see the UK government recognise this need and update its travel advice pages accordingly."