Boing Boing Staging

Watch: thieves steal wallet from bartender's bag

Two gentlemen sneaked into the backroom of the Monarch bar in San Francisco, CA and helped themselves to a bartender’s wallet containing $500 and a bottle of liquor. A security camera captured the action.

This occurred Sunday night April 4th at WERD/Sunset After-Party. Somehow these guys gained entry into our employee area. You can watch them steal a wallet from a bag, which belonged to one of our bartender’s and contained $500 cash (all her tip money from the week) + a bottle of liquor. These guys are truly disgusting and we’re looking for any information to identify them. Please post and share. Thank you for your help!

THIEVES CAUGHT ON FILM AT MONARCH! This occurred Sunday night April 4th at WERD/Sunset After-Party. Somehow these guys…

Posted by Monarch on Monday, April 4, 2016

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