Kickstarting interactive theater about the Uber for Everything apocalypse

REMOTE (Kickstarter)

REMOTE (Kickstarter) Watch this video on YouTube. Tassos writes, "I’m one of Coney, who make all kinds of play where the audience can take meaningful part. I’m writing and game-designing…

Tassos writes, "I’m one of Coney, who make all kinds of play where the audience can take meaningful part. I’m writing and game-designing REMOTE, a new piece of ticklishly interactive theatre, exploring the limits of human agency inside big pervasive systems of capital and technology."

"It’s a playful parable, where a company called REMOTE – a bit like an Uber of Everything – arrives in your town to run a simulation of its future, where you the audience are collectively playing one of REMOTE’s pilots in your town, up until 2095 (when the world might end). There’s more about the making of it on Coney’s blog.

"We’re running a kickstarter to help fund the forthcoming opening REMOTE and offering a set of rewards which you can play wherever you are – a personalised online game (also written and designed by me) which is an entrance into the world of REMOTE; a reconnaissance mission in your town, guided by your phone; even a bespoke adventure designed for you or as a gift for someone else. We hope to tour the piece in the future."

REMOTE [Coney HQ/Kickstarter]