What Sort of Man Reads Playboy? Ads to entice advertisers

In 1975, Playboy had a circulation of 5.6 million copies a month, and copies could be found in 18% of households. Over the next four decades, circulation eroded. As of…

In 1975, Playboy had a circulation of 5.6 million copies a month, and copies could be found in 18% of households. Over the next four decades, circulation eroded. As of June 2106, worldwide circulation was just 800,000. Here's a chart from Statista that shows the decline:


Flashbak has a couple of galleries of Playboy house ads from the 60s – 80s designed to entice advertisers to reach it millions of readers. Every photo is basically the same: a guy doing something that costs a lot of money and who is surrounded by adoring women.

Gallery 1 | Gallery 2