Petition: tell Obama to stand by commitment to "most transparent administration in history"

Evan from Fight for the Future writes, "President Obama has said he's running the 'most transparent administration in history.' But new documents reveal that his administration secretly lobbied to kill…

Evan from Fight for the Future writes, "President Obama has said he's running the 'most transparent administration in history.' But new documents reveal that his administration secretly lobbied to kill transparency reform legislation that had broad bipartisan support and would have made it easier for journalists and citizens to file FOIA requests that help keep the government open and accountable."

"Regardless of your political beliefs, we can all agree that our government should be transparent so we can know what lawmakers are doing in our name. Congress will address this issue again soon. We all need to speak out! You can take action quickly and easily here."

"Dear President Obama: you have called your administration the "most transparent in history," but we've just learned that you aggressively and secretly lobbied to kill transparency reform legislation in Congress that aimed to make it easier for journalists and citizens to file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for better government accountability. Please stand by your stated commitment to transparency and drop your opposition to FOIA and transparency reform."

What is this administration hiding?
[Fight for the Future]