Most common last words spoken by death row inmates

Pricenomics analyzed the frequency of the final words spoken by death row inmates before being executed. Used by 63% of all speakers, “love” is the most common word in death…


Pricenomics analyzed the frequency of the final words spoken by death row inmates before being executed.

Used by 63% of all speakers, “love” is the most common word in death row inmates’ last statements. At 689 total instances, that works out to an average of 1.7 times per inmate. Other words that insinuate affection — “heart” (14%), “care” (11%), “loved” (10%) — also rank high on this list.

In most cases, the word is used to address family members who are present at the execution, on the other side of the glass window. But it is also used to express feelings toward the victim’s family members, lawyers, the court, and even the warden/prison staff.