Kickstarting a guide to the Portland locations in Cleary's "Ramona" books

Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary's Portland Watch this video on YouTube. Beverly Cleary's Ramona books delighted generations of young readers. Elly from Microcosm Press (previously) writes, "Walking with Ramona:…

Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary's Portland

Beverly Cleary's Ramona books delighted generations of young readers. Elly from Microcosm Press (previously) writes, "Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary's Portland is the first ever guidebook to the neighborhood and time when Mrs. Cleary grew up and set her Ramona books."

"It's extra timely because working class Portland in the 1920s and 30s was such a far cry from the Portlandia of today. It's super refreshing to follow the route and read the history and remember that Portland was and is just a place where people live and learn and grow up, rather than the three-ring circus we're often made out to be."

Several years ago, Portland guidebook writer Laura O. Foster was asked by the Multnomah County Library to develop and lead a series of walking tours which she called "Walking with Ramona." These tours were so popular (with as many as 200 people showing up for them!) that Laura decided to write a book so that anyone can discover Beverly Cleary's Portland for themselves. The book is intended as a practical guidebook for both locals and visitors, even those who aren't able to physically visit Portland.

Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary's Portland [Microcosm Publishing/Kickstarter]