EFF wants your DMCA takedown censorship horror stories

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is preparing its comments to the US Copyright Office on the notoriously abuse-prone DMCA takedown process, which is widely used to commit Internet censorship with perfect…

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is preparing its comments to the US Copyright Office on the notoriously abuse-prone DMCA takedown process, which is widely used to commit Internet censorship with perfect impunity.

They want to hear your personal stories of copyright takedown, to use in the filing. Please read the brief carefully (it's short!) and submit stuff that matches it!

But our experience is only part of the story. The Copyright Office should also hear from Internet users who have been affected by the DMCA takedown process. If you personally have been affected by takedown notices, or the systems that platforms use to address copyright complaints and infringement,, we want hear from you. Email us at 512stories@eff.org with as much detail as possible about the nature of your upload, the takedown you received, and the feedback you got from the platform hosting it.

Call For Stories: User Uploads and Takedown Abuse
[Parker Higgins/EFF]