Psychedelic Space Alien themed Art Deco style 1931 high school yearbook

Pea Hicks writes, "This is an album of scans I made from the 1931 Los Angeles University High School, CHIEFTAIN – 'Martian Number.'" "Most impressive are a series of eight…

Pea Hicks writes, "This is an album of scans I made from the 1931 Los Angeles University High School, CHIEFTAIN – 'Martian Number.'"

"Most impressive are a series of eight screen-printed pages with fantastic art deco sci-fi student art (by various artists) in psychedelic colors and gold metallic ink. Most of the yearbook is typical fare for the time, so I didn't scan the entire book- just highlights of the 'Martian' theme."

1931 University High School, Los Angeles CHIEFTAIN "Martian Number"
[Pea Hicks/Google Photos]