FBI releases video of militiaman shooting

Edited Version of FBI Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016

Edited Version of FBI Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016 Watch this video on YouTube. The FBI has released footage that shows militiaman LaVoy Finicum's death at the…

The FBI has released footage that shows militiaman LaVoy Finicum's death at the hands of law enforcement officers manning a roadblock.

In the video, Finicum's vehicle tries to evade the block only to plunge into a roadside snowbank after narrowly missing one of the officers manning it. He jumps out the car with his hands up, but keeps moving and reaches into his pocket. Someone shoots him and he falls to the snow.

The 8-minute version is above. The confrontation begins at about 5:30m. They also published a longer tape of the event. The moment when Finicum is shot is embedded below.

One one hand, his movements seem more confused than aggressive. On the other hand, he's an armed man, running around and reaching for his pockets after almost mowing a guy down at a roadblock. He did not have his hands in the air when he was shot (as at least one witness claimed) but he didn't have his piece out, either.

What are the key facts, legally speaking?