Incredible archive of 49 millions artworks, artifacts, books, videos, and sounds from across Europe

Josh Jones of Open Culture says, "Of all the archives I’ve surveyed, used in my own research, and presented to Open Culture readers, none has seemed to me vaster than…

Josh Jones of Open Culture says, "Of all the archives I’ve surveyed, used in my own research, and presented to Open Culture readers, none has seemed to me vaster than Europeana Collections, a portal of '48,796,394 artworks, artefacts, books, videos and sounds from across Europe,' sourced from well over 100 institutions such as The European Library, Europhoto, the National Library of Finland, University College Dublin, Museo Galileo, and many, many more, including contributions from the public at large."

Image: Museu Nacional D'Art De Catalunya CC BY-NC-ND