Boing Boing Staging

Sriracha: now in individual sachets

The convenience of carrying your favorite hot-sauce in individual sachets — think “McDonald’s ketchup pouches” — can’t be overstated. It’s a particularly great format if you’re a frequent traveller, as TSA screeners don’t recognize the shape as a “liquid” on their X-rays, meaning you can just stash them in your bags and pockets and not worry about getting them all out when you reach a checkpoint.

My brand of poison is Tabasco, and I’ve been buying lots of 200 sachets for years. The Sriracha offering is competitively priced.

But it’s still less than a quarter per serving, which is a small price to pay for turning inedible airplane glop into something that releases an endorphin or two.

Tabasco [200/$37]

Sriracha [200/$35]

(via Oh Gizmo)

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