Take this quiz and learn how to spot misused meteorological terms

Chris from Sense About Science sez, "Thundersnow, willy-willys and the hottest/coldest seasons on record, there's certainly no shortage of headlines about the weather. But many meteorological terms we hear are…

Chris from Sense About Science sez, "Thundersnow, willy-willys and the hottest/coldest seasons on record, there's certainly no shortage of headlines about the weather. But many meteorological terms we hear are misused, say early career researchers."

"Frustrated by headlines of hurricanes hitting the UK and claims that any forecast of snow will be a 'blizzard', today Voice of Young Science (VoYS) members have launched an online quiz. These early career researchers are challenging everyone to test their weather know-how and arm themselves with the facts to decipher what the next round of weather stories really mean. Take the quiz now and warm up your wintery small talk."

4. How often is London hotter than Athens?

About once a week
About once a month
About once a year
About once a decade

Haven’t The Foggiest
[Sense About Science/Buzzfeed]