Coming Out Like a Porn Star: collected memoirs of sex workers

Coming Out Like a Porn Star is genderqueer porn star Jiz Lee's new anthology collecting the personal stories of porn stars and other sex-trade workers, in which they describe "coming…

Coming Out Like a Porn Star is genderqueer porn star Jiz Lee's new anthology collecting the personal stories of porn stars and other sex-trade workers, in which they describe "coming out" to their friends and family as workers in the trade.

On the Oh Joy Sex Toy webcomic, Eric Moen reviews the anthology and proclaims it excellent, saying that the great majority of the stories were moving, surprising, sometimes heartbreaking and sometimes ecstatic. She declares it to be "required reading for anyone who patronizes the sex industry, or just has an opinion on it, including porn and webcam watchers, strip club go-ers, full-service customers, etc."

Moen is my go-to source for interesting and thoughtful ideas about sex and the sex trade, and that's good enough for me.

Coming Out Like a Porn Star: Essays on Pornography, Protection, and Privacy [Jiz Lee/ThreeL Media]

"Coming Out Like A Porn Star" [Erica Moen/Oh Joy Sex Toy]