President Obama wept today as he spoke today about the ever-increasing waves of gun violence throughout America. He announced new executive actions to reduce the frequency of mass shootings, suicides and other gun killings, which have become a common part of life in our country.
You can read the full speech here.
From the New York Times:
Speaking in the East Room of the White House surrounded by gun control activists and the families of gun victims, Mr. Obama broke down as he spoke about the young children shot to death in 2012 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
“First graders,” he said, his eyes drifting to a distant place and becoming red with tears. The president wiped his eye and paused to regain his composure. “Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad,” he said.

Obama repeated the same call to action he has proposed before: universal background checks, and an overhaul of gun laws.
“It won’t happen overnight, it won’t happen during this Congress, it won’t happen during my presidency.”
“The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage right now, but they can’t hold America hostage,” Mr. Obama said. “Congress still needs to act. The folks in this room will not rest until Congress does.”
PHOTO: Members of the North Florida Survival Group wait with their rifles before heading out to perform enemy contact drills during a field training exercise in Old Town, Florida, December 8, 2012. The group trains children and adults alike to handle weapons and survive in the wild. The group passionately supports the right of U.S. citizens to bear arms and its website states that it aims to teach "patriots to survive in order to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemy threats". Picture taken December 8, 2012. REUTERS/Brian Blanco