Audubon Society of Portland issues statement on Vanilla ISIS occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

"The occupation of Malheur by armed, out-of-state militia groups puts one of America’s most important wildlife refuges at risk. It violates the most basic principles of the Public Trust Doctrine…

"The occupation of Malheur by armed, out-of-state militia groups puts one of America’s most important wildlife refuges at risk. It violates the most basic principles of the Public Trust Doctrine and holds hostage public lands and public resources to serve the very narrow political agenda of the occupiers. The occupiers have used the flimsiest of pretexts to justify their actions – the conviction of two local ranchers in a case involving arson and poaching on public lands. Notably, neither the local community or the individuals convicted have requested or endorsed the occupation or the assistance of militia groups." – excerpt from a statement by Bob Sallinger, Conservation Director at Portland Audubon

Image: "Six of the frowzy-headed Fishers in a pose", from Finley's American Birds, 1908. Wikipedia.