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Help identify the science fiction legends in these thrift-scored pix of the 1956 Worldcon

Cate writes, “I came across a collection of snapshots at a thrift store and recognized the historic nature of the photos, which documented the 14th World Science Fiction Convention.
I purchased the photos from a thrift store in Santa Barbara, California on December 31, 2015. I am looking for help to identify attendees featured in the photos.”

The 14th Worldcon, AKA NyCon II or NEWYORCON, included the infamous Balcony Insurgents incident, which gave rise to the fannish shibboleth, “Dave Kyle Says You Can’t Sit Here.”

The chairman was David A. Kyle.

The Guest of Honor was Arthur C. Clarke.

The toastmaster was Robert Bloch.

The Secretary was Ruth Evelin Kyle

Others who may be featured in the photos: (Please help identify!)

Ted White

Bob Tucker (Wilson Tucker)

Boyd Raeburn

Jean & Andy Young

Dick Eney

Ron Ellik

Larry Stark

Richalex Kirs

Robert Silverberg

Damon Knight

Willy Ley

Frank Kelly Freas

Murray Leinster

Robert A. Heinlein

Robert Bloch

Collection of photographic snapshots from the 14th World Science Fiction Convention, also known as NyCon II or NEWYORCON, held August 31–September 3, 1956, at the Biltmore Hotel in New York, New York, USA. [Cate/Flickr]

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