In Texas, a 12 year old Sikh boy was arrested for "terrorism" over a solar charger

Armaan Singh's Story

Armaan Singh's Story Watch this video on YouTube. Dallas cops put Armaan Singh Sarai in jail for three days because someone mistook the solar panel on his phone-charging backpack for…

Dallas cops put Armaan Singh Sarai in jail for three days because someone mistook the solar panel on his phone-charging backpack for a bomb.

Neither the cops nor Sarai's school notified his parents. Though he's only 12, Sarai has had multiple heart surgeries due to a congenital problem — his parents were worried for his health as well as his safety.

According to a Facebook post by Sarai's cousin, "A bully in class thought it would be funny to accuse him of having a bomb, and so the principal, without any questioning, interrogation, or notification to his parents, called the police."

Police have charged Sarai with a terrorism-related offense (translation from Texas-ese: "Owning electronics while brown"), and though he is out of jail, he has to wear a locator cuff on his ankle.

Singh has been charged with “making a terroristic threat,” according to the Morning News. It’s unclear, however, if he is being charged as an adult or a child, or if the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony. He must wear an ankle monitor and remain under house arrest until his next court date, the newspaper reported.

Whatever the charge, Singh’s relatives have demanded that authorities drop it. The family has also criticized school officials for handing Singh a three-day suspension.

“Instead of hearing us out, they suspended him,” said Aksh, 17. “I think it’s outrageous.”

Aksh accused the school of “discrimination” for punishing Armaan while other kids were not in trouble.

It’s the “clock kid” all over again: A 12-year-old Sikh boy is the latest victim of racist terrorism paranoia
[Paula Young Lee/Salon]

Another 'Clock kid'? Family outraged as 12-year-old Sikh boy arrested over alleged bomb threat at Texas school
[Michael E. Miller/Washington Post]