Owners of 20,000 print books can get discounted audiobook bundles

Peter from Shelfie writes, "Shelfie has announced a partnership with Findaway to add 20,000 audiobooks to its print to digital bundling service. This news comes on top of the recent…

Peter from Shelfie writes, "Shelfie has announced a partnership with Findaway to add 20,000 audiobooks to its print to digital bundling service. This news comes on top of the recent announcement that it will be adding nearly 100,000 titles for DRM-free bundling from Springer."

The free app (Android/Ios)allows readers to download free or highly discounted (usually 80% off list price) digital copies of their paper books.

The Vancouver based start-up has been working for nearly 3 years to secure deals with publishers for its format shifting service. Boing Boing first posted about the service (then known as BitLit) in June 2014 when they had about 20,000 titles available mostly from Canadian indie presses. In May of this year we secured a deal with Tor (Macmillan) the publisher of Cory Doctorow's books."