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Survey results from Cards Against Humanity's Hannukah Gifts package

People who bought Cards Against Humanity’s Eight Sensible Gifts for Hannukah subscription were invited to take a survey at the end of the purchase, one that asked all kinds of weird, invasive questions — naturally, CAH has published the results!

From penis length to the number of Fast and Furious movies watched, CAH’s Hannukah purchasers’ data has been charted and then — of course — compared, cataloging all the spurious relationships between different correlates in the data. Surprising facts (assuming the survey-takers didn’t lie): there are a lot of people willing to have sex with Donald Trump supporters (or they all know — and have sex with — the same group of people).

Eight Sensible Gifts for Hanukkah Survey Results [Cards Against Humanity]

(via Waxy)

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