Boing Boing Staging

Remix this dance track by clicking samples—and listen to random variations

Adventure Machine is an online music-remixing widget by Madeon, whose album Adventure came out earlier this year. Similar to Novation’s Launchpad gadget, you click different buttons in the grid to turn different loops on and off, thereby creating your own remix of the tracks.

Redditors are creating bookmarklets that manipulate the grid to create endlessly mutating mixes. This one, by thinkyfish, does very good work: paste it into your browser’s console (Chrome: F12) and hit enter, then click the “random” button that appears.

!function(){var n=$("random");$(".info").append(n);var a=$(".button"),t=function(){for(var n=0;2>n;n++)a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)].click()},o=0;n[0].onclick=function(){o?(o=0,clearInterval(t),$("#randomText").html("random")):(o=1,t(),setInterval(t,1e4),$("#randomText").html("stop random"))}}();
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