UPDATE:5 a.m., Thursday : Investigators now believe that there were two assailants, not three, and that both were killed in the SUV shootout. They were named as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27.
UPDATE:5:30 p.m. The New York Times reports that one of the three attackers “had worked at the facility and recently had a dispute with fellow employees, according to law enforcement officials. A witness has told police that although the gunmen had their faces covered, one of them sounded and appeared very similar to an employee who had left the facility earlier in the day. “They had their appearances covered but a witness believed it had been someone who worked there,” said one official.”
UPDATE:4:30 p.m. According to the most recent reports, one suspect is still on the run. One officer has been injured. The victims of the mass shooting were reportedly attending a Health Department luncheon; the attackers’ motives remain unclear.
UPDATE:3:38 p.m. Live footage shows SWAT teams converging on a stationary, shot-up black SUV in San Bernadino. According to police, it is the escape vehicle from the earlier mass shooting. One person within the vehicle “rolled out” and surrendered to authorities, they report. Two in the vehicle opened fire, one was reportedly shot and killed, and the other taken into custody.
UPDATE:3:35 p.m. At least one pipe bomb was found at a house on E San Bernardino Rd., according to reporters citing police scanners, and nearby residents evacuated.
In San Bernardino, CA, at least 14 people have been killed and 14 more injured after a mass shooting this morning. The San Bernadino police chief says authorities have “no idea” who or where the suspects are, and describes it as “domestic terrorism.” The suspect or suspects are said to have been well armed, with “long guns” and “body armor.” They came prepared, said the chief.
The first emergency call came in to 911 around 11:00 a.m. Pacific time. The San Bernardino Fire Department said victims were in the 1300 block of Waterman Avenue. Police say there are one to three suspects, all of whom were heavily armed and may be wearing body armor. The shooting happened at Inland Regional Center, one of 21 State of California facilities that serve people with developmental disabilities, a spokeswoman for the CA Dept of Developmental Services told Reuters.
The social services agency is among regional centers throughout California that administer, authorize and pay for assistance to people with disabilities such as autism and mental retardation.
On an average day, doctors at the regional centers would be evaluating toddlers whose parents have concerns and case workers meeting with developmentally disabled adults. Lungren said that the San Bernardino facility is one of the state’s largest and busiest.
The president and CEO of Inland Regional Center says the shooting took place at a building that houses some 25 employees, and a library and conference center. From AP:
Marybeth Feild of the Inland Regional Center says “the incident is in the conference area” that an outside group was renting Wednesday. She says she is not at the center, which serves people with developmental disabilities and does not know what outside group rented the center.
Exec director of Inland Regional Ctr says the shooting was at their conference center, which was rented to the County for a holiday party
— Katie Hinman (@khinman) December 2, 2015
Below, a video taken at the facility one day prior to the shooting. It shows a holiday party.
The ICF Holiday Party is in full swing! ☃ pic.twitter.com/AzOCbliVmb
— Inland RC (@InlandRegional) December 1, 2015
Authorities have been seeking an SUV that fled from the shooting location. There was a report on the police scanner of a suspect in a black Chevy Yukon wearing a black mask.
Police used a robot to detonate a suspicious device found on-site, according to the sources who spoke to the Los Angeles Times.
SBFD units responding to reports of 20 victim shooting incident in 1300 block of S. Waterman. SBPD is working to clear the scene.
— San Bernardino Fire (@SBCityFire) December 2, 2015
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department confirmed an active shooter in the area of Orange Snow Road and Waterman Avenue.
ACTIVE SHOOTER:Area of Orange Show Rd/ Waterman Ave near Park Center, & surrounding area remains VERY ACTIVE. AVOID! pic.twitter.com/5vG0aYW6IL
— SB County Sheriff (@sbcountysheriff) December 2, 2015
.@SanBernardinoPD has confirmed 1to3 possible suspects.Multiple victims. #SBCSD &other agencies assisting. More info to come. #SanBernardino
— SB County Sheriff (@sbcountysheriff) December 2, 2015
The Los Angeles Times further reported that images on Twitter and Facebook show heavily armed police surrounding a neighborhood in San Bernardino.
A SWAT team is active.
Firefighters set up triage areas in response to an active shooter incident in San Bernardino on Dec. 2, 2015. (Image: KTLA)
From KTLA’s live coverage:
San Bernardino Fire Department initially tweeted that they were responding to a report of a “20-victim shooting.” The incident was reported in the 1300 block of South Waterman Avenue, the Fire Department tweeted shortly before 11:15 a.m.
San Bernardino police confirmed around 11:30 a.m. there was an active shooter in the area of Orange Show Road / Waterman Avenue near Park Center Circle.
According to San Bernardino police Lt. Rich Lawhead, there were at least 20 victims reported, possibly more. He said the extent of their injuries was not immediately known.
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department warned people to avoid the area due to police activity.
CNN’s coverage was first to confirm that ATF and FBI teams were also responding to the mass shooting.
Below, tweets from witnesses and reporters within the first hour after the shooting was reported.
Sources report gunman walked into Inland Regional Center and shot people in a conference room. @KNX1070
— Rob Archer (@KNXarcher) December 2, 2015
Police, FBI, ATF at the scene of mass shooting in San Bernadino, CA, updates here: https://t.co/nI3f2zCQZx pic.twitter.com/qyg0A1wbwA
— CNN (@CNN) December 2, 2015
.@SanBernardinoPD SWAT on scene pic.twitter.com/uFTfdBROOp
— Doug Saunders (@crimeshutterbug) December 2, 2015
NBCLA capturing devastating footage of active shooting situation. pic.twitter.com/RYtrV57CjE
— Ryan Parker (@TheRyanParker) December 2, 2015
Dozens of civilians being evacuated right now. Hands up… #PD being very cautious and still searching for suspects. pic.twitter.com/sWN7imzgCX
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBCLA) December 2, 2015
Police responding to active shooter situation in San Bernardino. Lots of police, fire, emts responding. pic.twitter.com/XE2wBHAcXV
— Paloma Esquivel (@palomaesquivel) December 2, 2015
.@SanBernardinoPD and other Law Enforcement agencies are evacuating people from the Inland Regional Center pic.twitter.com/kPU2dbWqV3
— Doug Saunders (@crimeshutterbug) December 2, 2015
WATCH LIVE: Coverage of shooting in San Bernardino, California https://t.co/4GpcV0GQ1w pic.twitter.com/9YZmB7rNnc
— NBC News (@NBCNews) December 2, 2015